“All Free” collaborates with popular character “Afro and Bald” by Yusaku Hanakuma! Invite the rest of the day with a surreal and cute character, and use the stickers that can be used every day!
- Title : ALL-FREE × Afro and Hage
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available until December 16, 2019
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/15485
- Publisher : Suntory
- Copyright : Suntory | hanakuma yusaku
- ALL-FREE × Afro and Hage
- yurukuma × Suntory
- Afuro and Hage
- Konezumi × CRAFT BOSS TEA
- PEPSI NEX ZERO: Heroes That Move You!
https://www.line-stickers.com – ALL-FREE × Afro and Hage LINE Stickers :