BD Medical Technologist’s Life!

Sticker Enthusiast

27229: With the busy life of medical examination, let BD angels accompany you in your daily life!
31056: The first volume of MinMin Bunny stickers from BD-DS is here. Let this cute bunny accompany you through your daily chats in the laboratory!

BD medical technologist’s life! Line Sticker PNG-31056BD medical technologist’s life! Line Sticker PNG-27229
  • Title : BD Medical Technologist’s Life!
  • Price : Free
  • Type : Static
  • Expiry Date : Temporary
  • Language : Mandarin
  • Link :
    line://shop/detail/27229 Available till December 4, 2022.
    line://shop/detail/31056 Available till May 19, 2024
  • Publisher : BD-ds
  • Copyright : 2022-2024 BD

BD medical technologist’s life! WhatsApp Sticker GIF-27229
27229 – BD medical technologist’s life!

Put a Spring in Your Step with BD’s Adorable MinMin Bunny Stickers!

Hey there, lab heroes! Are you feeling the need for a little pep in your step? Well, have we got the perfect pick-me-up for you! Introducing the first volume of BD’s delightful MinMin Bunny stickers, designed exclusively for medical technologists like yourselves.

BD medical technologist’s life! WhatsApp Sticker GIF-31056
31056 – BD medical technologist’s life!

We know how demanding your days can be, juggling countless tests and samples. That’s why we’ve created these irresistibly cute stickers to bring a touch of whimsy and joy to your chatting adventures on LINE and WhatsApp. Imagine sharing a smile with your lab buddies or brightening a loved one’s day with a cheerful bunny emote. It’s like having a tiny ray of sunshine in your pocket!

But these stickers aren’t just adorable; they’re a reflection of BD’s commitment to celebrating the incredible work you do. After all, you medical technologists are the unsung heroes of healthcare, tirelessly analyzing samples and delivering vital information that guides diagnosis and treatment. With MinMin Bunny by your side, you’ll have a constant reminder of how valued and appreciated you truly are.

Hop into the World of MinMin Bunny!

So, what are you waiting for? Unleash your inner bunny and let MinMin Bunny accompany you through the ups and downs of lab life. Whether you’re celebrating a successful run or commiserating over a tricky sample, these stickers will add a playful touch to your conversations. Plus, they’re the perfect way to show off your quirky side and connect with fellow BD fans.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to brighten your day and spread some cheer in the lab. After all, a little laughter and joy can go a long way in making even the most challenging tasks feel a little lighter. So, hop on over to LINE or WhatsApp and start sprinkling some MinMin Bunny magic into your chats today!

Published and copyrighted by BD, these stickers are a testament to our commitment to supporting the medical technology community. We can’t wait to see how you incorporate MinMin Bunny into your daily conversations and bring a touch of playfulness to your invaluable work.

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