Mr.Osomatsu the Movie teams up with LINE BROWN FARM to celebrate the movie’s release! Don’t miss out on the younger Osomatsu bros! Get to user level 8 or higher and deliver 6 trucks of items in the game to get the set for free.
- Title : LINE BROWN FARM × Mr.Osomatsu THE MOVIE
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available till March 22, 2019.
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/13600
- Publisher : LINE
- Copyright : LINE Corporation | FA/OM
- Mr. Osomatsu × LINE TRAVEL jp
- LINE Brown Farm × Gaspard and Lisa
- Mr. Osomatsu 6
- Mr. Osomatsu × SANRIO CHARACTERS – Animated
- Bubble 2 × Mr. Osomatsu
- Mr. Osomatsu 5: Popping Up! – LINE BROWN FARM × Mr.Osomatsu THE MOVIE LINE Stickers :