SHIROMARU × Sukimani-heartwarming life

Sticker Enthusiast

In celebration of the collaboration between “Shiromaru” and LINE Sukimani, adorable and round sticker are now available. Be sure to check out the 8 different designs that will make you smile. Some of them even wear heart-shaped hats. You can receive them by becoming friends with the LINE Sukimani official account!

SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life  Line Sticker PNG

  • Title : SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life
  • Price : Free
  • Type : Static
  • Expiry Date : Available until 28th February 2024.
  • Language : Japanese
  • Link : line://shop/detail/29886
  • Publisher : LINE Sukimani
  • Copyright : Ishii

SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life  WhatsApp Sticker GIF
29886 – SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life Sticker

Discover the Heartwarming World of “SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life” Sticker for LINE & WhatsApp!

Hey there, sticker enthusiasts! Are you on the lookout for something that’ll add a sprinkle of joy and warmth to your chats? Well, get ready to fall in love with the “SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life” sticker pack for LINE & WhatsApp. It’s a collaboration made in sticker heaven, bringing together the adorable Shiromaru character created by the talented Tomoko Ishii and LINE Sukimani, the ultimate platform for flexible work!

Meet Shiromaru!

Get ready to meet the cutest white dog in town – Shiromaru! With his round body, black nose, and endless curiosity, he’s all set to steal your heart. Whether he’s exploring the world, munching on tasty treats, or catching some Zs, Shiromaru’s charm knows no bounds. No wonder he’s got a legion of fans swooning over his every wag!

What’s LINE Sukimani All About?

Let’s talk about LINE Sukimani – your go-to for flexible work opportunities! Whether you’re a data entry wizard, a translation master, or a transcription whiz, LINE Sukimani has something for everyone. You get to call the shots on when, where, and how much you work. It’s the perfect way to earn some extra cash while keeping your schedule as flexible as can be!

Publisher and Copyright Scoop

Who’s Behind the Magic?

Drumroll, please! The mastermind behind these heartwarming stickers is none other than LINE Corporation! As one of Japan’s tech giants, LINE Corporation is all about connecting people and services in the most innovative ways possible. With LINE Sukimani and a whole array of other cool features, they’re on a mission to make your digital experience smarter and snazzier!

Copyright Talk

Hold onto your hats, folks! The creative genius behind Shiromaru and his pals, along with these delightful stickers, belongs to none other than Tomoko Ishii. An illustrator extraordinaire, Tomoko Ishii’s charming characters have captured hearts across the globe. From books to games to merchandise, her creations spread joy wherever they go!

All About the Stickers

What’s Inside?

Now, onto the good stuff – the stickers themselves! Picture this: 8 adorable images featuring Shiromaru and his buddies in cozy, heartwarming scenes. From Shiromaru snoozing peacefully to friends wrapped up snug in scarves, each sticker is bursting with warmth and charm!

How to Get Your Hands on Them?

Ready to dive into this sticker wonderland? From January 1st to February 28th, 2024, simply add LINE Sukimani’s official account as a friend on LINE or WhatsApp. Look out for “@lineskimani” or scan the QR code to get started. Once you’re connected, follow the link they send you to download the sticker pack. And just like that, you’re ready to spread the cozy vibes far and wide!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to add a dash of warmth and happiness to your chats with “SHIROMARU×Sukimani-heartwarming life” stickers!

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