The animated antics never stop with this fifth set of stickers featuring the whimsical Usagi and his bird friend, Piske.
- Title : Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi Come to Life! 5
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, Mandarin
- Link :
line://shop/detail/18105 JP
line://shop/detail/20190 TW HK CH
- Publisher : kanahei
- Copyright : kanahei
- Piske & Usagi Friendly Greetings
- Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi × Hondy
- Piske & Usagi Go Out
- kanahei × Japanet Collaboration Sticker
- Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi CNY Stickers
- Suntory × Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi – Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi Come to Life! 5 LINE Stickers :