The animated antics continue with this fourth set of stickers featuring the whimsical rabbit, Usagi, and his earnest bird friend, Piske. These stickers starring the comedic duo are perfect for your daily chats!
- Title : Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi Come to Life! 4
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, Mandarin, English
- Link :
line://shop/detail/14457 ALL
line://shop/detail/14460 TW HK CH
line://shop/detail/14365 JP
- Publisher : Kanahei
- Copyright : Kanahei
- Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi Come to Life! 5
- Piske & Usagi Animated Greetings
- Piske & Usagi by Kanahei + PARCO
- Suntory × Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi
- Piske & Usagi: Let’s Exercise!
- Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi × Hondy – Kanahei’s Piske & Usagi Come to Life! 4 LINE Stickers :