Majory is a very kind and generous tour guide from outer space! Yes, he can take you around the universe, traveling back and forth between planets. His favorite planet is of course the Earth. He and Jamila are ready to have you on board!
- Title : Majory: Dreamy Space
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation & Sound
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Thai Language
- Link : line://shop/detail/17082
- Publisher : Sweet Summer
- Copyright : SweetSummer
- Hoshio and Little Penguin
- Little Amiko: Season of Celebration
- The Long Neck Gang: It’s Workout Time!
- Hoshio and Kamomo: Friendship Never Ends
- Majory: Dreamy Space – Majory: Dreamy Space LINE Stickers :