Animated stickers featuring characters from the classic animated film. From fairy godmothers and glass slippers to the hilariously sinister faces of Cinderella’s stepfamily, this collection has everything you need to relive the magic!
Become a Disney × LINE member to use unlimited Disney LINE stickers during your membership. Your first 30 days are free! These stickers can also be bought from the LINE Sticker Shop.
- Title : Cinderella Animated Stickers
- Price : Free & Paid 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : Temporary & No Expiration Date
- Language : English
- Link :
line://shop/detail/4380 PAID
line://shop/detail/14189 FREE
- Publisher : The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd.
- Copyright : Disney
- Tangled (Special Event)
- Disney Princess
- Sebastian
- Aladdin and Friends
- Beauty and the Beast (Special Event)
- Alice In Wonderland Animated Stickers – Cinderella Animated Stickers LINE Stickers :