“PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” and studio U.G.

Sticker Enthusiast

It’s that time of year again – Halloween. This is how it is done at studio U.G.

  • Title : “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” and studio U.G.
  • Price : Paid / 100 Coins
  • Type : Static
  • Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
  • Language : Japanese
  • Link : line://shop/detail/29469
  • Publisher : Nishimura Yuji
  • Copyright : studio U.G. – Nishimura Yuji

29469 – “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” and studio U.G. Sticker

PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun: The Spooky and Fun Stickers from Studio U.G.

As the leaves turn orange and the air carries a hint of autumn, Halloween approaches, bringing with it the excitement of costumes, candies, and, of course, the charmingly spooky “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” stickers from Studio U.G. These stickers have become a staple for users on LINE and WhatsApp, adding a touch of whimsy and fright to messages around the world.

Publisher and Copyright Holder: Nishimura Yuji’s Creative Vision

Nishimura Yuji, the publisher behind these delightful stickers, is known for his unique creative vision. His work with Studio U.G. has produced a range of static stickers that capture the essence of Halloween fun. As the copyright holder, Studio U.G. – Nishimura Yuji ensures that the stickers not only embody the spirit of the season but also respect the intellectual property rights involved in their creation and distribution.

Studio U.G.’s Halloween Tradition

Studio U.G. has a tradition of celebrating Halloween by releasing special stickers that blend the quirky character of PISUKE with the undead hilarity of ZOMBIE-kun. These stickers are not just images; they are a form of expression, allowing users to communicate their Halloween excitement and share their love for the holiday’s spooky themes.

LINE and WhatsApp: Platforms for PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun’s Adventures

The “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” stickers are available on both LINE and WhatsApp, making them accessible to a wide audience. The stickers’ popularity on these platforms is a testament to their appeal and the universal joy of Halloween festivities.

Static Stickers: A Timeless Choice

While animated stickers have their charm, there’s something enduring about static stickers. They are quick to load, easy to use, and, in the case of “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun,” perfectly capture the static moments of humor and horror that make Halloween what it is.

Embracing the Halloween Spirit with Studio U.G.

As Halloween draws near, the “PISUKE & ZOMBIE-kun” stickers serve as a reminder of the fun and frights that await. Whether you’re sending a spooky greeting or just want to add a bit of Halloween flair to your conversations, these stickers from Studio U.G. are the perfect way to celebrate the season.

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