Celebrate 50 years of Weekly Shonen Jump with the cast from one of their most popular series, Yu Yu Hakusho! Get your chats going with all of your favorite Shonen Jump characters.
- Title : Yu Yu Hakusho J50th
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : English
- Link : line://shop/detail/11045
- Publisher : Jump 50th anniversary project
- Copyright : Yoshihiro Togashi
Celebrate 50 years of Weekly Shonen Jump with the cast from one of their most popular series, Yu Yu Hakusho!
If you are a fan of manga and anime, you probably know about Weekly Shonen Jump, the legendary magazine that has been publishing some of the most iconic stories and characters for half a century. From Dragon Ball to Naruto, from One Piece to My Hero Academia, Weekly Shonen Jump has been a source of inspiration and entertainment for millions of readers around the world.
Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the classic series that debuted in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1990. It tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who dies in a car accident and is given a second chance at life as a spirit detective. Along with his friends and allies, he battles demons, ghosts, and other supernatural threats in a thrilling adventure that spans four sagas and 175 episodes.
Yu Yu Hakusho is the creation of Yoshihiro Togashi, a manga artist who is also known for his other hit series, Hunter x Hunter. Togashi started his career in 1986 with the romantic comedy Tende Shōwaru Cupid, and won the Tezuka Award for his short story Buttobi Straight. He has been praised for his originality, creativity, and art style, as well as his ability to combine humor, action, drama, and romance in his stories.
Weekly Shonen Jump is the flagship publication of Shueisha, one of the largest manga publishers in Japan. Shueisha launched the Jump 50th anniversary project in 2017 to commemorate the magazine’s milestone and celebrate its legacy. The project includes various events, exhibitions, collaborations, merchandise, and digital initiatives to honor the past, present, and future of Weekly Shonen Jump.
What is Yu Yu Hakusho J50th?
Yu Yu Hakusho J50th is a special sticker pack for LINE and WhatsApp that features the main characters from Yu Yu Hakusho in their iconic poses and expressions.
You can use these stickers to spice up your chats with your friends and family, and show your love for Yu Yu Hakusho and Weekly Shonen Jump. Whether you want to cheer someone up, make them laugh, or challenge them to a duel, you can find the perfect sticker for any occasion.